Clinical Psychologist
The Frisian countryside is where I grew up. Initially trained as a nurse, later as a clinical psychologist, I have been working for years in the mental health sector. First in (forensic) clinical psychology, now in a psychotherapeutic setting. I combine this with teaching and administration within the mental health care.
I feel at home within client-centered psychotherapy. In this, the distance between what you experience and what you desire is central. I also work as an “Outdoor Psychologist,” in which we leave the consulting room and treatment sessions take place in nature, usually in the ‘Stadspark’.
Becoming more active by walking during the consultation and using the power of a natural environment go well with scientifically proven treatment interventions within client-centered psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or EMDR.
I am curious to hear your story and would love to think with you about what will help you move forward. Hope, desire and your (hidden) talents are leading.
BIG-numbers: 19058091625 and 39058091616.