Schematherapy is a nationally and internationally scientifically proven effective form of psychotherapy for people with personality problems or other long-term complaints, such as recurring depression. Schematherapy helps you to fathom and change the origin of persistent patterns. During treatment, the influence of childhood experiences on your thinking and acting is examined. You learn to recognize your patterns and to change them in such a way that you start thinking differently, feel better and do things differently. You learn to feel what your needs are and you learn to deal with them in a healthier way. This will help you give better direction to your life and improve your relationships with others. You can get schema therapy in different forms: individually, in a group or a combination of both.
The main goal is to break through your dysfunctional patterns by getting in touch with your feelings and needs and not only to change your way of thinking. Therefore, not only cognitive and behavioural therapeutic techniques are used, but also experiential techniques and the therapeutic relationship.
With thanks to the Dutch Association for Schema Therapy,